Thursday, April 24

I Sold My Organs By Meho Plaza

Meho Plaza are loud, not quite Times New Viking loud, but loud nevertheless. These here mp3s surfaced around a couple months back, but I just listened to them recently and I like. And so, I post:

"I Sold My Organs" (mp3)
"The Beach" (mp3)

Myspace page is here.
Meho Plaza's Muxtape is here.
Better Looking Records is here.

Consider Clicking
- Listen to a band that used to be on Better Looking Records, but now is no more, The And/Ors... "Flexiclocks" (mp3). The And/Ors have moved on to other projects... here and here.

- It's official, "Call It A Ritual" (sub pop mp3) is a Wolf Parade song.

- Fluxblog has a post featuring new new new The Roots... here.

Meho Plaza

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