Monday, September 1

George Washington By Meho Plaza

So... Meho Plaza, the album by Meho Plaza has been on my ipod for a while now and I figure it is time to share a couple of tracks that have been sticking in my head of late. In case you are unfamiliar, Meho Plaza are from LA and they play noisy synth driven rock n' roll.

"George Washington" ( mp3)
"Your Future Looks Bright" ( mp3)

Myspace page is here.
Better Looking Records is here.
eMusic page is here.
Old GT posts are here and here.

Streamable BONUS:
"I Sold My Organs" (youtube vid)

P.S. Hey Meho Plaza, come to NYC!

Consider CLICKing
- It's Labor Day, listen to the Free Speech Radio News special Labor Day documentary: "Disappearing Rice Paddies" (fsrn mp3)

- I had a chance to check out Pop Tarts Suck Toasted's 4th Anniversary show on Saturday. Who rocked? Boy Genius (They have a whole early 90's Western Mass Indie + Harmonica + Harmonies thing happening), Brilliant Sweaters (I hear they like Green Day, haha... seriously they have the whole power pop thing down), and N** Y*** T***** (They're awesome. An old GT post is here). I did miss The Great Unwashed, and after checking out their myspace I was pissed I didn't get there earlier. Take a listen: "Mirage A La Mode" ( mp3)

- YANP has a live version of a new new new Spoon song... here. Also, download the latest Spoon Bonus: "You Gotta Feel It (Rehearsal)" ( mp3)

- Download BOAWS' monthly mix, like now... here.

- Internet blog Sheena Beaston posts a Hearts Revolution remix of a song by riot grrrls Huggy Bear plus the original of said song... here.

- The Bat And The Bird considers the "Headache" (youtube vid) single by Frank Black. Check out them b-sides... here.

Meho Plaza

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