12 Awesome MP3s That Were Not Freakin' Everywhere In 2008
"Dog Years" (box.net mp3) by Ghetto Cross (2 posts)
"Draped Up, Oxed Out" (box.net mp3) by Smart Growth (2 posts)
"Hands Up (The Race)" (box.net mp3) by Susu (4 posts)
"Rum For You (Edit)" (box.net mp3) by BUKE AND GāSS (2 posts)
"Stains" (box.net mp3) by Flying (2 posts)
"The Greatest Gift (Scratch Acid Cover)" (box.net mp3) (mp3) by We Versus The Shark (1 post)
"GO to WHERE its Clear" (box.net mp3) by Paul Fuster (1 post)
"Rather Dull" (box.net mp3) by Psychedelic Horseshit (4 posts)
"Van v Art" (sxsw 2008 mp3) by Necropolis (2 posts)
"Crystal Ladies" (box.net mp3) by Blank Dogs (5 posts)
"The French Revolution" (box.net mp3) By Motico (1 post)
"Bastard In Love (Black Flag Cover)" (box.net mp3) by Mika Miko (1 post)
Consider CLICKing
- New New New Black Lips... "Short Fuse" (vice mp3)
- Happy belated B-Day largeheartedboy!... here.
- The Diamond Center has a new new new countryfried promomp3... "WTT" (box.net mp3)
- Part Two of the free and legal mp3 manifesto! Read it @ Fingertips... here.
- #1 elbo.ws blog TSURURADIO posts about bkylnbedroomrockers Here We Go Magic. Believe the hype... here.
- EARFARM reviews a recent show by Suckers... here.
- Watch the Wavves hits Austin over at Covert Curiosity... here.
- Listen to a Spoon FM boot? Where else? Captain's Dead... here.

Labels: Here We Go Magic, Krallice, Not Enough Labels, Spoon, Suckers, The Black Lips, The Diamond Center, Wavves
New Black Lips track = yes.
What about The Diamond Center??
Yeah, uhm, that Diamond Ctr track? I like, but you do hear what I'm hearing, dontcha?
Also picked up Dead Milkmen and Mika Miko. (The genre for the Mika Miko was listed as 'sex jazz.' Ewwwwwww.)
huh? what are you hearing? you know a lot more about the twang compared to me, the ever humble blogger
I'm hearing 'Don't Let Our Youth Go to Waste' like I did with the Crayons, except slowed down here. Also, while I do like WTT after several listens, I'm not getting any twang.
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