Sailing By Night By Department Of Eagles
Listen: "Sailing By Night" (mp3)
Is it necessary to point out that Dep't Of Eagles features Dan Rossen from Grizzly Bear? Prolly not. Right?
Download their newer track... here or here or here or here or here or here or here or here: "No One Does It Like You" (mp3).
Plus, they just re-issued 2005's The Cold Nose (a/k/a The Whitey on the Moon UK LP), like today... here.
Myspace page is here.
Melodic is here.
Emusic page is here.
Consider Clicking
- Poetry don't get a whole lotta coverage here on GT, but... These is the the funniest vid about spell cheeks that I have every scene. Thanks, A Different Stripe. It is a performance of Taylor Mali's The The Impotence of Proofreading.
- Two remixes for you... CSS turns knobs for The Wombats... here, AND Spank Rock messes with Dr. Octagon... here, on No More Radio and Discobelle, respectively.
- 5 Acts posted a track by Kill Surf City... here.

Labels: CSS, Department Of Eagles, Dr. Octagon, Kill Surf City, Spank Rock, The Wombats