I know, I know you've been waiting. You want to download the some of the best songs of 2007 and simply don't know where to turn. The massiveness of the internets is overwhelming. Fear not. I have complied the best downloadable songs from GT this past year.
And yes, some of these songs were not officially released in 2007. So what? As for ranking, these songs are arranged using the
power of the alphabet! Oh, don't be so obsessed with ranking things and just enjoy.
A"Aly Walk With Me" (mp3 with a plug at the end of it) by
The RaveonettesComment: Atmospheric + Wall Of Noise + Big Beats = Quite Kickass. Check out the
Ruby Isle cover...
"Attitude (Misfits Cover)" (box.net mp3) by
Mika MikoComment: My favorite
Misfits cover since
Bratmobile did
"Where Eagles Dare" (ysi mp3)
B"Babies" (mp3) by
Jana HunterComment: When is
Jracula putting a proper album out? Wait have they? Fuck! Huh?
"Black Mirror" (mp3) by
Arcade FireComment: Why does this song always make me think of
Lost Highway?
"Bomb.Repeat.Bomb." (box.net mp3) by
Ted Leo + The PharmacistsComment: Wins the GT 2007 Award for
Best Political Song. Watch the video...
C"Capricornations" (mp3) by
Mika MikoComment: You never forget your first Mika Miko song.
"Chromes On It" (mp3) by
TelepatheComment: Looking forward to a full length.
"Cold Hands" (mp3) by
Black LipsComment: The Black Lips doin' what they do.
"Crimewave" (mp3) by
HealthComment: Uberblogged band Health rip it up.
D"Dead Sound" (mp3) by
The RaveonettesComment: When will
JAMC stop influencing bands? Not bloody soon, I'll tell you that.
"Don't Touch My Shit" (mp3) by
The CoathangersComment: Don't Touch My Shit. Awesome.
"Drippy Eye" (box.net mp3) by
Black Moth Super RainbowComment: This is my cat's theme song. Is this your cat's theme song too?
"Dumb Luck (Remix)" (mp3) performed by
DNTEL remixed by
Low ScoresComment: I like this more than
the original.
E"Evergreen" (mp3) by
CelebrationComment: Soundtrack for the end of the world.
F"Flying To You" (mp3) by
UnloveComment: Booming and anthemic, but not released this year. Fuck it.
"Fractured Skies" (mp3) by
Parts & LaborComment: The postmodern postpunk anthem. Wins the GT 2007 award for
Best Use Of A Dot Matrix Printer In A Song.
G"Get Hurt" (mp3) by
NO AGEComment: Sounds just like
Wives... [snicker].
H"Heimdalsgate Like A Promethean Curse" (mp3) by
Of MontrealComment: C'mon Chemicals... annoying and wonderful, at the same time.
I"(I'm A) Donkey For Your Love" (mp3) by
BOATComment: Catchy as all... well you know.
"It Fit When I Was A Kid (Remix)" (mp3) performed by
Liars and remixed by
Crystal CastlesComment: This song is like... ok, what if... Liars were cyborgs?? huh?
J"Just As The Day Was Dawning" (mp3) by
Big BusinessComment: You could say their sound is as
"Big As A Mountain" (ysi mp3)
K"Knowledge In Hand" (mp3) (source:
myspace) by
The FormsComment: Runner up for Song Of The Year.
M"Mr. Prison Shanks" (mp3) by
Made Out Of BabiesComment: Fuck. Heavy. Fucking Heavy!
"(My Head)/R.I.P. Allegory" (mp3) by
Times New VikingComment: Ohio Rocks! Warning... this is LOUD.
N"Nobody" (mp3) by
The WillowzComment: Sounds like a contradiction, but The Willowz total filter 70's arena rock through punk, and it works.
"No One Does It Like You (Demo)" (mp3) by
Department Of EaglesComment: Best Grizzly Bear-related song this year. The
Girl Talk wamp-wamping
"Knife (Remix)" was a close second.
"North American Scum (Dunproofin's Not From England Either Mix)" (mp3) performed by
LCD Soundsystem remixed by
DunproofinComment: Almost makes me proud to be a North American.
"Not A Problem (Live)" (mp3) by
The Black LipsComment: The Black Lips put out what may not be the best live album ever, but it's realllly close. Maybe it is the best live album ever. I don't know.
"Now I've Got A Sword" (mp3) by
The MuggabearsComment: Love that Bayside shout out.
P"Pace Or The Patience" (mp3) by
Love Of DiagramsComment: I can't believe I'm not sick of this song. I love it.
I listen to all the time.
"Pinkies" (mp3) by
The Big SleepComment: What was it I heard someone call The Big Sleep? Bedroom Metal. That's it.
R"Rafaga!" (mp3) by
Apostle Of HustleComment: Wins the GT 2007 Award for
Spanish Song Sung By A Canadian Band!
"Run To The Facts" (mp3) by
Yea Big + Kid StaticComment: Wins the GT 2007 Award for
Best Use Of Samples From An Unreleased Album.
"Run To Your Grave" (mp3) by
The Mae ShiComment: Run!
S"See A Penny (Pick It Up)" (mp3) by
YACHT Comment: Awhh... come on. Who cares if it's
"Miss You" in Jona clothing? Not me.
"Screendoor" (mp3) by
IllinoisComment: Don't forget to check out their
Daytrotter Session...
"Sharpshooter" (mp3) by
The Mary Timony BandComment: Mary's still got it.
"So Post All 'Em (Instumental)" (mp3) by
YACHTComment: I've had it up to here with all those words. Bahh.
T"The Pyramid" (mp3) by
Love Of DiagramsComment: Slightly slower awesomeness.
"The Underdog" (mp3) by
SpoonComment: The Song Of The Year.
"They Might Follow You (Demo)" (mp3) by
Tiny VipersComment: Haunting.
"To Fix The Gash In Your Head" (mp3) by
A Place To Bury StrangersComment: Uhhh... When will
JAMC stop influencing bands? Not bloody soon, I'll tell you that (again).
"Too Cute To Puke" (box.net mp3) by
Mika MikoComment: If you didn't hear me say it on
The Contrast Podcast Festive 50, this track is pure energy.
"Truck" (mp3) by
The Octopus ProjectComment: Theremins are punk.
U"Underwater (You And Me)" (mp3) by
Clap Your Hands Say YeahComment: Ok, I admit it. This is not my favorite
Some Loud Thunder song. This is:
"Yankee Go Home" (ysi mp3)
V"Veni Vedi Veci (Remix)" performed by
The Black Lips remixed by
DiploComment: Black Lips + Mad Decent beats = This.
W"We Are Gods! We Are Wolves!" (mp3) by
Le Loup Comment: My eyes rolled the first time I saw the name of this track... then I heard it. My eyes later issued a rolling retraction.
"Witches Vs. Wolves" (mp3) by
S-S-S-SpectresComment: The name says it all.
The End. More next year. And don't forget my previously look backs at 2007...
here and
My post entitled
Top 11 Downloadables That Were Not Freakin' Everywhere in 2007 is coming soon. It will be anagramed thusly... t11mp3twnfe2007.
"Luxury Condos For The Poor" (mp3) by
Double DaggerComment: [you have to wait for that]

Labels: Arcade Fire, BMSR, BOAT, Celebration, Crystal Castles, Health, Jana Hunter, Jracula, Mika Miko, No Age, Not Enough Labels, Ted Leo, Telepathe, The Black Lips, The Coathangers, The Raveonettes, Unlove